Tuesday 24 March 2015

Video game perspective


Perspective is the way you see the game, for example there would be first person, third person, Arial and 2d scrolling. The different types of perspective affects your experience in a game.
First person.
First person perspective is when you see the game/ world in the same perspective as the character, this would mean that you could experience the same emotions or feelings that the character would as you feel that you are that character and experience the world in the same the character would. First person is mostly used in first person shooters and plane/ car simulators, an example is Call of Duty: Advance Warfare you are first person and experiencing the game as if you were there and also felt kind of depressed when one of your team mate died (who is a key character in the game), another example is Counter strike Global Offence and battlefield.

 An advantage of first person is that you get immersed to the game and feel like you’re part of the game, for example battlefield 4 is first person and you are immersed in the game and feel that you are the actual character. Another advantage is that the graphics of the games are usually amazing for example battlefield 4 and last of all the other advantage is that you get more accurate shooting which leads to a better experience in the game.

Disadvantages to first person games is that you are limited to what you can see at one time and therefore miss some detail that can change your experience. Another negative of first person is that people could get motion sickness as it is a first person view. In addition the lack of cover can affect your first person experience as when your behind cover you are not able to see what is happening around you.

3rd person.

Another video game perspective is 3rd person and this perspective is based on the camera looking behind the character.
An advantage to 3rd person is that you are able to to see more of your environment which would mean you you will have more information to play with and increase your gaming experience. Another positive of 3rd is that it gives the creator of the game freedom to let them make more imaginative and creative ideas.

A negative thing about 3rd person games is that they are usually not realistic and so people might not feel involved the game, it also means that people cant relate to the game and therefore do not develop attachments to the characters. Another negative to 3rd person is that it usually has bad graphics and therefore people might not enjoy there experience, having good graphics can affect how peoples experience are whilst playing the game.

Arial games.
In addition the other game perspective is Arial and this type of games is is set on birds eye view perspective. An advantage of Arial games is that you are able to see around you and therefore gain more information of your environment which could help with your gaming experience. Another positive is that it requires skill to play and so when you do something good you feel very satisfied when you do something good. for example in League of legends it is know to be a highly strategical game and so when you win or get an objective you feel satisfied.
A negative concept about Arial games is that you have to control many things at once for example your character/ characters, camera, your abilities and items and this can be very confusing to new people. Another bad concept about Arial games is that you wont see the game in the character's perspective which mean that you cant get attached to the character and would not get immersed into the game,

2D scrolling.
2D scrolling games are type of games were you see the game from a side way type of view. some positives of 2D scrolling games are that you are able to see where you are about to go which can prepare you for what is coming up as you can see everything that is going on. Another positive is that these types of games isn't hard to play and anyone can play it as you usually only have to go straight and jump.
A negative to these types of perspectives is that if you miss something the the game usually don't let you turn back which could mean that you wont experience the game fully. Another negative is that the graphics isn't usually the best and therefore people can immures themselves in the game.

Monday 23 March 2015

Video Game Genres

Introduction, here I will be talking about different genres of games such as sports, adventure, action, simulation, strategy. Puzzle, role play, management, educational, viral marketing.

In sports games they try to mimic the real life sport. For example in FIFA there is a mode called ultimate team where you can buy any player you won’t to create your team and when you have created your team you are able to versus people from around the world and after each game you get money and with the money you are able to buy new and better players.

The other genre adventure is a game where you able to explore different places and worlds and try to turn that place to a civilised place such as walking dead and The Last Of Us. For example The Last of Us you have to travel around the world to try find a cure and attempt to eradicate the zombies.
Another genre is strategy and these games aim are to gather your team/ helpers to try and take over other people’s base. There are many different example such as league of legends, StarCraft 2 and Dota 2, an example is League of Legends and the aim of this game is to push through the lanes whilst pushing through the lanes you have to take out the towers which protect the base and so to kill the ultimate goal the enemy nexus.

Action is a genre in games which is mostly based in combat focused games such as call of duty, battlefield and street fighter. For example in Call of Duty your aim is to defeat and kill the enemy who has taken over the certain place and your job is to protect that location by defeating the enemies bosses men and eventually kill the boss.

The other genre that I will discuss is simulation and in these games they try to allow you to experience game as if you were there, they also try to let you experience real life activities without doing them. For example Plane simulator allows you to experience what it is like to pilot a plane without doing it, they usually have the equipment to help them for example the chair and the control panel.

role playing games allow you to create and develop a character, role playing games usually consist of creating a character then levelling him/her up to become a powerful character that can beat nearly everyone/everything. The audience can usually get attached to the character as you have raised the character up and created it so it could lead you to form some sort attachment, also you can feel a sense of achievement if you have defeated a boss as you have made your character strong enough, they also usually consist of finding good weapons so you can be powerful. An example of a role playing game is Borderlands 2 and in this game you are suppose to create a character and try to complete missions and level your character high enough and have good enough     weapons to be able to verse the boss.

additionally management is a genre of games and in it usually wants you to control someone or a group of people to help get through tasks. for example in football manager you are expected to manage a team by choosing what players to play, tactics that the players should follow and substitutes to help you win the game.
In educational games they try to educate or try to help your knowledge, some of the games try to help you practise the specific subject to help you understand it. For example in brain training they give you maths questions that you have to answer in a short period of time and the game try to eventually improve your maths skills, after you answer the question the games the game will tell you what they say what age your brain is by comparing your score to the average.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Puzzle games is show you a problem and is your job to try and find out how to solve the problem. These types of games are set to help you to spot problems and find ways to solve it. An example is 

sudoku is a game where you have to spot out what numbers you can put in the boxes but have to make sure that you do not repeat a number in the same row,box or column, the aim of this game is to plot the right numbers that all the column, boxes and rows have the number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 however no numbers can repeat in the same box, row and columns.  


Last of all the last genre of games is viral marketing and these games are the games that go viral for example flappy birds, this game went around the world and went viral quickly due to people passing out the message that this game is good and so more and more people pass on the message. these types of games usually are addicting and you usually want to beat your best score all the time.